Email Marketing Tips & Tricks

5 steps to increase the conversion rates of your email campaigns

how to increase email conversion rate
how to increase email conversion rate

Email marketing is a lot of work, but it’s worth it. You have to keep up with many aspects of email marketing: tracking, sending campaigns, analyzing results, and managing the list. One part of email marketing that you may not pay much attention to is increasing your open rates. 

If you run any email marketing campaign, it’s essential to keep track of your open rates. If you’re not tracking them, you don’t know what kind of response rates you’re getting, and therefore you can’t optimize the way you send your email messages.

We all know that the success rate of emails is not just a count of open rate and click rate. The main factor here is – how many conversions are received for your emails. 

Having high response rates in your email campaign will boost your conversion rates and increase your leads. Here are a few tricks to get higher conversion rates for your Emails.

Step- 1 Craft Your Subject Line Carefully

Emails can be a force to be reckoned with. A familiar introduction is necessary to get a potential response. The subject line is the beginning of the email and should catch your potential recipient’s attention. This is what is displayed first and, if not engaging, it’s usually the only part of the email read. So, make your subject catchy and try to earn a fair amount of trust by the words used in the subject line. 

I know you want to impress your subscribers with your finely tuned email strategies, so make sure to include their names in the subject line. Don’t disappoint the reader by misleading them with an exciting subject line that doesn’t back up with the content of the email. 

Therefore, take time to craft your subject line clearly so that the entire, rich email message can be contained in a few words. If your subject line makes readers want to open the email, then you’ve crossed the first step.

Simply saying, a good subject line should have the following:

  • A subject line should contain the keyword people are searching for, for example, “affiliate sale.”
  • A subject line should relate to the content of the email
  • A subject line should be short
  • A subject line should not contain all caps
  • The subject line should be catchy
  • The subject line should not include more than one question

Step – 2 Give High intencity care for the email body

Even if the email’s subject is as uninteresting as a dried-up sneaker, the first sight of the email should not be so awful as to irritate him. To keep readers away from giving up and deleting the email, you need to write clearly and easily read. 

This is a great way to make your thoughts about an idea even more straightforward. Just use a series of bullets. Each point should be a complete sentence, and each sentence should be an exciting fact or theory. 

The very first few words of your email make the most critical difference. It should be engaging and appeal to the reader. Keep the first few lines dedicated to the reader to know that there is something in it for him. This is done by thanking him for taking time out to read your email. 

You can also mention something about the services you offer and how they are better than those in the market.

The below factors may use to write good email content.

  • Use the language of your audience. For example, if you are writing to someone in a technical field, you should use technical language. If you are writing to someone in an academic area, you can use the language of the educated.
  •  Personalize your messages. Personalizing the messages will help in getting responses from your targeted audience. Use good grammar and punctuation. Grammar errors and punctuation mistakes are the causes of many people deleting your emails without reading them.
  •  Be conversational. Instead of writing formally, you can talk to your audience in a conversational tone. A polite and friendly manner will make your emails more readable.
  •  Provide value to the reader. This is done by highlighting the positive benefits of your product and how it can solve the reader’s problems.

Email Copy Dyno is a software tool that helps you to create engaging email content by getting few inputs from you. Below is my email copy dyno review,

Step -3 Use Call To Action in Email Body

Use closing words that a pleasant and include your signature and other valid details to the reader. One of the most critical techniques to use in email marketing is to add a call to action (CTA) to your email. 

These are words or phrases that urge the reader to take some action. It could be a call to action where the reader can obtain more information or even a direct link to your company’s website.

Step – 4 Segment your Email list 

Email marketing is a great way to reach your target audience. So, use it to the fullest. This is a win-win for both the marketing department and the subscribers. The marketing department can target the right audience, and the subscriber is rewarded with some relevant content. 

If you are not already, you should go ahead and segment your email list. This is a very effective way to send targeted emails to increase your open rates and response rates. This increases your response rate.

After spending a good amount of effort on crafting an excellent email, it is not worth the cost of mass-mailing it to hundreds of people. This is a waste of time and money. 

The best practice is to send a very targeted email to the right people. Email marketing is not an easy process, and it requires a lot of effort. However, if you are interested in email marketing, then you should go ahead and create segments. You can do this by identifying your target audiences. After doing so, you will be able to target your emails.

E.g., There’s no point in Fashion niche email marketing to subscribers over 60 because that age range is outside of the most recent fashion trends.

To be on the safe side, you should segment your reader’s list by age to target your email marketing campaign for the appropriate age group. This increases your response rate as you try to catch more attention by targeting a smaller number of people. 

Now, you’ll not have to send the same email to 100 users. You’ll have to send your email to 3 or 4 people and use different content for each one.

Step – 5 Clean your email list periodically

It is essential to periodically clean your email list of inactive and non-responding subscribers to maintain a robust and responsive list. One way of doing this is to use a website such as MailChimp’s opt-out list management tool. MailChimp allows you to quickly and easily remove non-responding subscribers from your list. You can also use MailChimp’s clean-up tool to do the same. If you are not using MailChimp, you can use a program like ActiveCampaign’s OptOut and Selective opt-out.


Marketing is an art and a science. There are many ways to market your products, but it can be hard to find the best strategy to maximize your profits. 

One way to increase your response rates is by using email marketing. This strategy involves sending promotional emails to your customer base to increase sales. 

When writing your email, you should always use a good subject line to catch the reader’s attention. You also need to choose a good email list and then send your email to the list. 

The last thing you need to do is set up a way for your subscribers to unsubscribe from your list if they don’t want to receive more emails. 

To get the most out of your email marketing campaign, you should send your emails out regularly. It would help if you considered sending out your email campaigns as often as every week or once per day.