Niche Finding, Social Media Marketing

7 Money-Making Pinterest Tips You Can Use Today

how to make money pinterest
how to make money Pinterest

Pinterest is an excellent resource for finding DIY and crafts to try, new recipes to try, and even professional tutorials. But did you know that there are some straightforward ways to make money with Pinterest?

While many businesses are unwilling to join Pinterest due to the lack of monetization options, there are quite a few ways you can use it to make money. With a bit of determination and effort, you can turn your Pinterest boards into a valuable resource that brings in steady income.

Let’s read below seven money-making Pinterest tips you can use today:

Find your passion and create an audience for it.

What brings you joy? There’s always an opportunity to make money if you are passionate about a topic and people are spending money in that area.

For example, suppose you are a fitness freaky and doing various exercises actively. In that case, you may find audiences interested in weight loss and wellness and target them to share your knowledge in the form of pins. Now, you have to develop your Pinterest account and boards that attract them.

Get followers to your boards, and create a mailing list. Some keen Pinterest users have a million followers and more. You don’t need that many followers to your account to sell to your audience. If you don’t know what to sell, don’t worry. You will find yourself earning more money as you follow through with marketing strategies passed on to you.

Here’s the video that shows you how to pick the trending niche in Pinterest:

Pick a company that fits your passion, and ask for sponsorship to promote.

Create engaging content that makes your story shine and, in turn, showcase the passion you have for your brand. Design a strategy to targeting a group. Use the power of Pinterest, and then construct your followers as we discussed. 

After that, find a business that sells items your audience would be interested in. Make your requests to become a sponsor for the company. While requesting, show your Pinterest analytics to them. Most companies appreciate knowing what people are looking at, and it will be interesting to see what you will create. With a bit of creativity, the campaign can be more successful and give the company more exposure.

Help people find the best of your products with affiliate links!

You should join a reputable affiliate program that will provide you with the income you need to cover the expenses. Find companies that sell products you can advertise, as well as join as an affiliate. Then promote the items on your boards, utilizing your affiliate links.

Tip: Shorten your links with a URL-shortening service to keep track of how often they are clicked on. You may use, Clickmagick, etc…

Many people love to peruse Pinterest, but some people also think it is a spammer’s paradise. So Pinterest occasionally punishes those spammers by banning their accounts. So to avoid such a punishment, make sure you stay on the straight and narrow by using affiliate links on your website rather than on Pinterest.

Here is the video that shows you the best way to promote affiliate products:

Use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to optimize your content for discovery by Pinterest’s search engine.

No one will know about your recipes and craft projects if you don’t let them see it, so use SEO methods. Not only will you be discovered on Pinterest, but you’ll also be found using significant search engines, like Google.

Maximize your profile by including insightful thoughts and detail about what you can offer in 200 characters or less. Use keywords that you want to get traffic in it. We know that you’re a star player with a commanding presence. Get in there and highlight those skills!

You’ll be able to offer full detail about the pictures on your boards by using SEO techniques on your pins. Every Pin provides you 500 characters(around 100 words) of summary, so make the most of it by including search phrases and web links. Naturally, use keywords instead of spamming them.

If you’re interested to learn more about SEO, watch this free SEO course.

Create contests on Pinterest and encourage followers to make their DIY versions of your product.

One of the best ways to make money with Pinterest is to create contests. One of the first things you should do is know what Pinterest’s guidelines are. They are the rules that are put in place to protect users and should be followed.

Contests are a point of action and can get people talking about your brand. Businesses can use contests as a marketing strategy for a more targeted reach.

Re-pin others’ pins to win a huge following and make cash.

If you want people to repin your pins, make sure you’re active on Pinterest. If you can get your pins repinned, you’ll have no problem getting people to follow your boards. It might not be as simple as sending them an email with a link, but people are more likely to take action when they know the person or the page they’re interested in better.

So, Pin other people’s pins, particularly those from people in your target audience. They will notice you and may even start following your boards.

Earn money by teaching people how to make money off of Pinterest.

After you’ve been using Pinterest successfully for a while, consider making money by teaching your strategies to others. Tap into your creativity and create e-books and courses teaching what you’ve learned. 

I have earned $60 per hour personally designing, hosting, and teaching various courses on what I know about Pinterest. You could create a course on anything you know about Pinterest, from how to create engaging pins quickly to growing massive amounts of followers to how to pick up a niche.

To sell a course, first, you need to host your course securely. Watch this video to learn more about this:

Also, read more about it from here.


If you want to make money on Pinterest, you should post high-quality pins to your Pinterest boards. Make sure to search for keywords related to your niche and Pin from authoritative sites in your field. Today, Pinterest is one of the most popular social media platforms for content creators to share their work with an audience. You can also generate income by following others and creating a following of your own.

Here are two simple processes to make money on Pinterest in 2021 :

Pin a lot of quality content.

You know you’re reaching your goals for a business when you get to pin a lot of quality content. Here are some tips for getting started on Pinterest.

  • Add a Pinterest button to your website. The quickest way to start getting more followers on Pinterest is to make it easy for people to follow you. Use the Pin It button that they provide for free to put on your website.
  • Use the ‘pin it’ button on Pinterest to let people know you like their content.

Start ads on the platform.

The best way to make money on Pinterest is by advertising on the platform. By selecting keywords, you are able to target your audience with ads that will be most relevant to them. By having this personalized attention to the ads you are running, you will get a much higher click-through rate and brand engagement that can lead to more sales.